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Nancy Coffey - DEA

Bringing over 30 years handling DEA diversion cases and pharmaceutical regulatory guidance, former New Jersey/New England Diversion Program Manager Nancy Coffey leverages expansive investigative and controlled substance compliance knowledge to advise registrants at all levels of the supply chain on mitigating risks. Her expertise is unsurpassed for tackling complex DEA matters.

Nancy Coffey - DEA


Nancy Coffey is a former, high-ranking official of the Drug Enforcement Administration who routinely provides expert advice and consulting services to healthcare businesses regarding controlled substance laws and regulations. As DEA’s Diversion Program Manager (DPM) for the New Jersey Division and six states comprising the New England Division, Nancy was responsible for managing DEA’s Diversion Program, including overseeing criminal, civil and administrative investigations involving controlled substances and listed chemicals, and serving as DEA’s liaison with other federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, stakeholders in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, and community coalitions dedicated to fighting overuse and abuse. In her role, Nancy routinely met with and educated supply chain participants regarding controlled substance regulations and DEA initiatives and enforcement priorities.

Having served the DEA for 32 years, Nancy’s expertise extends beyond the domestic supply chain to international operations involving importation and distribution. This area is particularly complex given potential overlap with FDA regulations involving manufacturers, importers, logistics providers, and end users, including compounding pharmacies. Nancy regularly advises supply chain participants and helps them maintain compliant business operations in these areas.

Nancy earned her Bachelors of Science in Criminal Justice from The College of New Jersey. Her personal interests include boating, reading, and golf.

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Nancy Coffey - DEA

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